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Quit and Cancer Council Victoria applaud banning of disposable vaping products

Posted 28 Nov, 2023

Quit and Cancer Council Victoria applaud banning of disposable vaping products as Minister Butler announces significant additional funding to expand Quitline services

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Cancer Council Victoria and Quit have expressed huge relief at the announcement by Federal Health and Home Affairs Ministers of a ban on single use vaping products, designed to urgently curb access to these harmful, addictive products.

The additional allocation in the 2023-24 Budget of $29.5 million to help Australians quit vaping includes funding to support access and critical expansion of our Quitline services.

Quit Director, Rachael Andersen highlighted the need for simultaneous initiatives to both prevent uptake of vaping and support people struggling to quit. 

“We know many young people will need our help to quit vaping, and we’re ready to support them through Quitline and a range of rapidly expanding digital services. This welcome increase in Federal funding will ultimately save thousands of young Australians from a lifetime of potential nicotine addiction.

“Ministers Butler and O’Neil confirming the January 1st ban on disposable vaping products is a crucial step to help prevent youth uptake. And as we make harmful and addictive vaping products less available for people to purchase, we must also ensure our Quitline services are easy to access and ready to help, which they are” Andersen concluded.

Todd Harper, CEO Cancer Council Victoria welcomed the government's leadership on this important public health issue.

“Research shows a strong gateway affect between vaping and smoking, and there’s been a 6-fold increase in 18-24 year olds doing both [dual using e-cigarettes and tobacco]. This decisive governmental action with support from all Australian Health and Police Ministers comes as welcome relief after years of advocacy efforts from across the public health sector.”

Australia’s world leading success in tobacco control has been under considerable threat in recent years, as a resurgent industry has marketed its harmful, illicit vaping products to children and young adults online and in retail stores, often co-locating products alongside sugary drinks, lollies and toys.

“No-one should be allowed to profit from selling a dangerous and addictive product and today’s news again cements Australia as a world leader in tobacco control,” Harper concluded.  

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